A Southwestern Montana Bear Hunt

A Southwestern Montana Bear Hunt

It’s interesting how much you think you miss a place based off the experience you once had there. For me, it was the Yaak in Montana. In 2016 I hunted Black Bear for the first time and after some research I chose to go as far North and away from civilization as...
Backyard Brawl

Backyard Brawl

5 rounds for time of: 15x Burpees 1x 40y Sprint Shoot 1 Arrow Instructions:  With a 20y target, starting with the bow on the ground and an arrow nocked, do 15 burpees, run to the target and back, grab the bow and shoot. Set the bow down between rounds. Post your times...
Wilderness:  Forever Calling Me

Wilderness: Forever Calling Me

I grew up in Oregon as a rifle hunter, hunting the elusive black tail deer and Easter Oregon Rocky Mountain Elk.  Realizing I wasn’t able to hunt bulls in the early fall due to work demands, I started researching what States had late season elk or deer tags...
Northern Montana Black Bear Hunt

Northern Montana Black Bear Hunt

It was Spring of 2016.  I was itching to get into the woods and Fall was too far away.  I grew up on the classic Fall hunting schedule of deer and elk, and once elk season was over, you went on to shoot various varmints; rock chucks, grounds squirrels, and...
Idaho Black Bear: Hunting Your Way

Idaho Black Bear: Hunting Your Way

In 2017 I went on my first bait hunt in Idaho for Spring Black Bear with my brother. Although we had tag soup the experience was amazing, and what we took away was many lessons learned. We hunted the Lolo National Forest which is just below the Panhandle. If you are...